15 marzo 2013

NEHBS 3 - Ironworks Purgatory SSCX

OK. The devil makes work for idle legs!

5 commenti:

spiedo ha detto...


antonino ha detto...

Passi la mancanza dei freni e pure la sella e i pedali ma il campanello non puó mancare...inaccettabile.

ghido ha detto...

only one question coming to my mind.... WHYYYYYYYYYY??????????

France ha detto...

You will go in overtraining!!

Mick ha detto...

Why - to confuse and amuse Italians!

Remember - I brought a SS to Cremona 24hr and within a year you were all riding them. So I bring this to Rockville and ........ :-)

Minimum 6 month training required to survive a 1 hour race. And if my legs give way, that rear tyre is awful close.