29 gennaio 2015

The Sac News

I'll be in New Mexico until April. I have a plane ticket to go to Ghana in April and I'll come back to the US in June. Applying for internships now in Boston and Washington D.C that I hope to participate in over the summer then attend graduate school in the fall. 

Socorro is keeping me busy, I'm basically becoming the Mayor down here! Working three days at the old school being an aid and then working with the Department of Health 30hrs out of the week doing nutrition and fitness things in the schools and working with the city to create a more bike friendly city. Even getting a pump track built at a local park within the next few weeks!

I've become a "pretty good" chef since coming back home. Specializing in Ghanian rices and stews, as well as italian gnochi!!  Here is me over my pot of "shito", a mix you can put over rice, something I learned how to cook in Ghana. It took 5 hours of stirring and down cooking but the end results were good. Even my Ghanian friend here said it was great!
Greet the Lobos and your family for me!

2 commenti:

ghido ha detto...

Ciao Sac! miss you so much

France ha detto...
