I've been thinking.
Time to build a 29er (by myself, with brass and flames from a pile of steel tubes).
I like steep up, so want short chainstays.
I like steep technical down (e.g. Massa SSIT) so also like short chainstays to get weight off the back.
But how to get REAL short chainstays on a 29er?..... Hmmmm.????
2010 - the year elevated stays return!
11 commenti:
Beware The Britt with the Torch!
You can be inspired by the Gary Fisher Montare, if you can bend pipes :-)
By the way, i'm not so sure that short chainstays are better for climbing...
I'm not sure short 29er stays will climb better, but if nobody tries nobody knows! I think with gears it is worse (looping out on very steep low gear climbs) but for singlespeed maybe traction is better. And 16" isn't crazy short is it?..... The front "wheelbase" is long so it shouldn't be too twitchy (Singular 96er fork needs 70 deg head angle). I'm going to build and test ride before paint - so can always melt the brass and modify until I like it.
Tube bending is difficult. For the chainstays I'm using T45 UK manganese moly steel like - Reynolds 531 but not butted and that is hard enough to do small bends (no way I can make a wishbone stay with my equipment!)
Bent seat tube is an option but is also difficult (I have very fine foundry sand to fill tube with to stop it crushing - I need to cut up some old bike to practice).
Heyc Milk - I see you are coming to SSEC! How can I help? How long do you stay?
great project, we all wait for your new frame. Go ahead!
the answer is Surly Karate Monkey, go on.
Karate Monkey has 17" stays (an enormous inch longer!) and has long ugly suspension corrected steel forks.
Today the postman delivers me a short pair of Singular forks (455mm A-C)
The world would be boring if we all rode the same bike ;-)
"The world would be boring if we all rode the same bike"
Mick you have written the Lobos motto
Hi Mick, i still don't know how we will arrive in UK: plane? maybe? Camper? Probably.
If we need something i'll let know, but one thing sure is the it will be a "toccata e fuga"... touch and go back home :-)
C ya in the forest of dean :-)
For it to be truly Lobos I need to draw a pair of tits on the top tube :-))
elevated chainstays were also good for belt driven bikes.....
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