16 luglio 2008

SUBBAQQUI goes to Santa Fe

Isaac è ormai tornato in USA ma ha mandato questa mail a ED:

"My ears were burning, actualy it was my jersy. I was rockin out in my LOS LOBOS jersy on this sweet epic I did yesterday:12 mile hill climb, then 15 some single track miles!! Oh, and from the front door! I live in Santa Fe right now with a friend and work as a gardener and bust out sweet rides all the time. I wanted to send you all a picture of me in my jersy at the top of some mountain or something like this. Maybe I will soon but I have to wait till I'm riding my SS again. Marty still has my freakin bike in Heidelberg!! Tell the boys I said ,,CIAO!!! SUBBAQQUI!!!!!"


2 commenti:

BOB ha detto...

Settimana prossima andiamo a trovarlo...

Anonimo ha detto...

ma almeno una foto con la maglia ufficiale, mica Niner....

Ord Nassela